pbbr is a portuguese Law Firm with international projection, with a full service ability, which provides legal advice settled in very demanding, strict and quality criteria. With a versatile, flexible and responsible team, it invests in the search for legal solutions that are more efficient and appropriate to the needs of its clients. To automate the Management of Diligences they use iPortalDoc, the Document and Process...

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Infraquinta, E.M., a portuguese company of infrastructures in Quinta do Lago, is integrated in the protected area of the Parque Natural da Ria Formosa and it’s responsible for the management of the systems of watter supply, sanitation, wastes and green spaces. Considering the nature of the area of intervention, and in the pursuit of its activity, the company seeks to develop practices that prevent and...

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IPBRICK.UCoIP is a Unified Communications Center, without limit of users or phone extensions, that operates On Premises or in Private Cloud. Since the Communications center includes Voice, Videoconference and Professional Chat, duly integrated with the email, it is capable to use the email address, as a common address (UCoIP address), to easily communicate through the communication channels available. It also provides a UCoIP page that allows...

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To consolidate the Confiauto company and brand, in the north of Portugal, as the best automobile distributor, which supports itself in its services of excellence, innovation, internal cohesion, recognition and development of all of its employees, is the goal of the Brand. The company, a SME Leader, aims to offer a service of excellence to its clients, concerning the automobile Distribution and Repair, and considering the social responsibility...

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With over two decades, the Douro Museum, a portuguese museum, has the mission to preserve, study, exhibit and interpret objects from various eras, which represent the identity, culture, history and development of the Douro, with particular emphasis in elements associated to winemaking. It assumes a major role with regard to the development of cultural values, providing experiences capable of motivating the participation and active involvement of...

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The portuguese municipal company Águas do Porto wants to automate and simplify the work processes by using, for that purpose, iPortalDoc, the Document and Process Management system of IPBRICK. To ensure the complete management of the urban water cycle, creating economic and social value, focused on the client, developing good environment, management and internal motivation practices, is the main goal of Águas do Porto. The company works on...

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On a daily basis, you exchange many internal emails, at the company, on various subjects. They are so many that they end up forgotten or lost between the inbox and the outbox of your email, preventing you from keeping up with all the discussed subjects on those emails. At least, without compelling you to make some kind of management to which, as we all agree,...

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The incomparable beauty of the Douro deserves to be shared, explored, felt and appreciated. These are the characteristics that are on the basis of the foundation of DouroAzul, a leading company for river cruises in the Douro River, in Portugal. DouroAzul is synonym of quality, competence and personality. And it combines perfectly the beauty and strength of the Douro Valley with the elegance of the river...

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Porto, a city whose references are inscribed in history, stands out today as a main city, the embryo of the large region that is nowadays the Metropolitan Area of Porto. Located in the north coast of Portugal, AMP, the institution responsible for the Metropolitan Area of Porto, embraces a geographical area, which is currently composed by 17 contiguous municipalities, with a local population of approximately 1.700.000 inhabitants. The 17 municipalities, which compose the Metropolitan Area...

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Watch, in first hand, the most recent videos of IPBRICK in the Youtube channel. Subscribe us and ensure that you keep track of the launch of new videos. We have playlists organized by areas [Document and Process Management, Unified Communications, Email and Collaborative Tools and Enterprise Social Network] and in multiple languages. To ask for an account to try our solutions, you just need to access IPBRICK’s website and go to the page of the solution in question. Within 24h you will receive an email with your...

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